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just to get Angelique and her opponents off the top,of this forum.why dont you lot stop your petty bickering and get a life,if you want a decent subject to vent your anger at,just look on the tele. or read a paper,and you will find that your homeland is being torn apart and burned and pillaged by mobs of feral kids.get this anger that you all seem to have out of your system and let us know what you think of these darlings

La Marina

Strange choice of words "opponents"
I have no opponents, I am merely surrounded by a few people whose views on things differ from mine.
In a forum like this we must consider that to be posative?
If we all agreed on our points of view this forum would be somewhat boring, would it not?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-09 07:58:27 UTC

The violence which erupted after a protest over the fatal shooting by police of Mark Duggan on Thursday gone out of hands! And now i think it has nothing to do with his death or anything else-now it's just an excuse for thugs to let loose..disgracefull! Teenagers and adults were said to have turned up in cars to Tottenham's retail park and filled their boots with stolen items, unimpeded by police.
Others arrived on foot and piled shopping trolleys high with looted electronic goods, a local woman said. I bet those people don't even know why the protests started in the first place..

Commented Pilar de la Horadada in Pilar de la Horadada 2011-08-09 08:05:54 UTC

Angelique,I didnt want to get back on this subject again,but your comment to my last comment on this forum was 'I have no opponents,just a few with views different to mine'
Over the last 24 hours some of those views different to yours were
'I am glad I am not Angelique'
'I would hate to be so bitter'
'Ignore this terrible person'
'She clearly relishes upsetting people'
'Admin quite agree with you'(regarding the previous comment)
'You just enjoy enjoy upsetting other people`'
'Angelique you are not very observant,people are fed up with your remarks'
'I am not going to get sucked into your littla vendetta'
'You are obviously a very sad person'
'Nothing better to do than try to make other peoples lives a misery'
'perhaps Angelique comes onto the forum after a cocktail or two'
'Angelique you are such a nasty rude personvery insulting too'
'Angelique is a troll'
All of these comments were made in the last 24 hours,
The very last comment is one from myself,which I have made about you three or four times on this forum,which you have never refuted,and i can assure you it is no compliment,and As much as I enjoy your reasonable discussions,they are becoming few and far between

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-08-09 11:06:02 UTC

Just like yourself I cannot understand why a few people are making the comments to which you refer.
This is a discussion forum which in itself generates points of views. I have expressed my views clearly and a minority of people in here have chosen to take issue.
I appreciate their comments, however, I have no intention whatsoever than to say other than exactly what I think. Surely it cannot be any other way, can it not?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-08-09 11:23:18 UTC

Alan - I have just sat here with a big grin on my face reading your fairly long list of *opponents views*. Obviously I had read them as the various people had posted them, but when all put together really quite hilarious !! Well Done - it must have taken quite a while to collate them altogether ......

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-08-09 15:27:21 UTC